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The POWER of

Purposeful Communication

The POWER of

Purposeful Communication

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If you are a COUPLE you need to do this class TOGETHER!


Effective and conscious communication forms the bedrock of healthy relationships, successful collaborations, and meaningful connections. In this class, we will explore the transformative impact that intentional communication can have on our personal and professional lives. Get ready to unlock the keys to building stronger connections through thoughtful and mindful communication.

young couple having relationship break up

Understanding the Importance of Communication:

Discover why communication is vital in every aspect of life.

Explore how effective communication enhances relationships, resolves conflicts, fosters understanding, and promotes personal growth.

Active Listening and Empathy:

Learn the art of active listening and cultivate empathy.

Explore techniques to truly understand others, validate their feelings, and demonstrate genuine interest. Mastering these skills creates a safe and supportive environment for meaningful conversations.

Mindful Expression:

Thoughtfully choose your words, tone, and non-verbal cues.

Explore techniques such as "I" statements, assertive communication, and constructive feedback to express yourself authentically while fostering understanding and respect.

Mad black couple dispute blaming for relationships problems

Non-Verbal Communication:

Uncover the significance of non-verbal cues in communication.

Understand the impact of body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. Learn to align your non-verbal cues with your verbal message to enhance clarity and convey sincerity.

Managing Conflict Constructively:

Explore strategies for resolving conflicts in a constructive manner.

Discover how active listening, empathy, and open dialogue can transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and deeper understanding.

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence:

Develop emotional intelligence to better manage your emotions and empathize with others.

Learn to recognize and regulate emotions, navigate challenging conversations, and build stronger connections through emotional awareness.

Effective and conscious communication is a lifelong skill that can transform relationships, enhance collaboration, and foster personal growth.

Join this class to unlock the secrets of effective communication and embark on a journey toward building more fulfilling and harmonious connections in every aspect of your life.

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Choose a time that suits your schedule best

Saturday, JuLY 1ST

97$/per person

Class begins at 8:00 am and ends at 11 am

  • 15-minute interval classes (6)
  • 10-minute group interractions (3)
  • 1-hour Q&A

sign up

Saturday, JuLY 1ST

97$/per person

Class begins at 1 :00 pm and ends at 4 pm

  • 15-minute interval classes (6)
  • 10-minute group interractions (3)
  • 1-hour Q&A

sign up

Saturday, JuLY 1ST

97$/per person

Class begins at 5 :00 pm and ends at 8 pm

  • 15-minute interval classes (6)
  • 10-minute group interractions (3)
  • 1-hour Q&A

sign up

SUNday, JuLY 2ND

97$/per person

Class begins at 8:00 am and ends at 11 am

  • 15-minute interval classes (6)
  • 10-minute group interractions (3)
  • 1-hour Q&A

sign up

SUNday, JuLY 2ND

97$/per person

Class begins at 3 :00 pm and ends at 6 pm

  • 15-minute interval classes (6)
  • 10-minute group interractions (3)
  • 1-hour Q&A

sign up

I know your struggles because I've been there.

I know how to understand the emotions you feel because I have felt them.

I know how to guide you to the other side because I am there.

I know how to love you because I learned to love myself.

I am Denika Carothers, also known as the Relationship Transformer. I've been doing this work, which I absolutely love, for over 25 years.

I am a Relationship Coach, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and Professional Life Coach with a degree in Christian Counseling.

I specialize in Mental and Emotional Wellness. My focus is on the whole person... Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit. I help you to identify and release the faulty core programming and belief systems that are attached to the S.H.I.T. (Shame Hurt Insecurities & Triggers) you have experienced in your life.

I am committed to helping you cultivate peace within and create your own authentic happiness in a way that makes you feel empowered, alive, and limitless... WITH LOVE!

"What I do is bigger than a profession, it's my purpose. It's more than a career, it's my calling."